Thursday, May 29, 2014

Long time no see

Hello everyone!

Sorry I have been M.I.A. it has been a crazy month. Baby Doll turned a half of a year lol. We also recently relocated to another state. So much has changed, so lets jump straight into it.

Baby Doll had her 6 month appointment, and passed with flying colors. She is showing up as being in the 80 percentile for her height, weight, and head circumference. She did get shots, but we had a male nurse who is awesome and gives shots so quick, she doesn't even feel them. She is a rolling machine. She rolls to get wherever she needs to go. To get a toy far away, or to find my computer cord to pull lol. She can also get herself  back to a sitting position on her own, The crazy thing about that is she first did it at my BF Whitney's house. It was too funny. She is also trying to stand up. Big Head will be lowering her crib this weekend, because she is way to close to accomplishing that goal and I do not need a major accident right now lol. She still talks my head off and loves to sing. Yes I said sing. If music is on, she will hold long notes and think she is Aretha Franklin lol. You cannot leave her unattended!! I left her on the floor with a bunch of toys to put on make up, but I realized she was completely silent. When I went to check on her, it looks like she may have ingested half of a shopping receipt. I have no Idea where she found it, but half was gone. Then she screamed at me when I took it away. lol I have also realized that she takes ownership to everything she touches, so I am aware that I have a spoiled child already on my hands lol. Everyday I love seeing her face though. She drives me completely nuts, and at the end of the day I am pooped, but I can't wait to do it again the next day. Baby Doll is out of  The blob" stage, so it is so fun to be around her because the crying is not as constant.  I have tried to give her those little puffs so she can practice feeding herself, but she does not like the taste lol. If anyone has any good finger food ideas for a sitting baby, please let me know. No teeth yet, but I am sure it is close. With all the drool and

Now lets talk about relocation with a baby. OMG do you get on a wonky schedule. Now I am still nursing so I can't just drive and drive till we reach our destination, I would probably burst lol. So we did have to take breaks to feed her. But I felt like the feeding schedule was a little off. It is hard to get on schedule when you just want to get to your destination as quick as possible. Baby Doll did a great job. No crying the whole way. She slept some, talked some, and played some. We were able to stop by my twin sis for the nigh and sleep in a hotel which was nice, but Baby doll is a bed hog. I nearly fell off the bed because she was all over the place, and I was way to paranoid. We have been in our new home for a total of a week, and I have almost everything in place. It is really nice that Baby Doll has her own room, and she is finally getting back on schedule. Because I am still getting to know the area, I spend most of my day trying to find where things are and getting lost, and finding my way again. We do have a pool in my area and We took her for her first swim. She loved kicking her feet, but didn't like going under water lol. We have to work on that.

I was a little sad leaving my friends behind. I have been able to make new friends that have little ones. So I am determined to meet moms with children in my new location. The friendships have helped me so much in the past, and I would like Baby Doll to have someone to play with as well.  I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. For my first Mother's day, It was great. I even got a card from Baby Doll lol.

I hope everyone is doing well. Please pray for me in my new job search.

See you soon,

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