Sunday, June 30, 2013

Excitement is slowly creeping up!!

Hello everyone!

We I  did it. I finished my master's degree program (sigh of relief). Now that that is out of the way, I have to say I a bored to death, and all a girl can do is think about baby stuff. Luckily, my job is a work from home position, so I decided to do all these wives tales throughout the day. The first test was the urine and baking powder test. If the combination fizzes like beer, its a boy; if there is no fizz its a girl. I also did the pencil test. You thread a needle with string and stick the needle inside the eraser of the pencil. You then hang the pencil over your wrist. If it moves back and fourth, its a boy; if it moves in circles, its a girl. I also did the Chinese gender test. They ask you the month on conception and your age, then tell you whether you are having a girl or boy.

From my previous post, I did a questionnaire online, and the chain test. With a total of 5 different test, they have all given the same result..... IT'S A GIRL!! Now the true test will be whether or not they are correct, or the complete opposite. Everyone in my family wants a girl. Growing up with 2 sisters, and a crazy obsessed girlly mother (its funny if you know my mom), having a girl would be AHH-MA-SING (in my Penny voice from Happy Endings)!! But, everyone at my job, my fiance, my sister in-law want and say its a boy!! Which would be AHH-MA-SING as well. My next appoint is on Tuesday, and technically I can find out the sex of the baby, but I haven't really decided yet. Here are some of my thoughts:

1. Ask tech to write the gender down, and put it in an envelope. Then video chat with my fiance so we find out at the same time.

2. Don't find out at all, and wait till the birth.

3. Mail the results to my fiance, but tell him not to tell me or anyone else.

Decisions, decisions! I did manage to do some Baby Buys. Nothing crazy, there was a storage dresser I wanted and all the websites said sold out except Overstock, so I took that as a sign to buy the thing already lol.  It looks a little like this :Espresso Three Drawer Storage Unit Then I also bought a blanket, so I could get free shipping lol. The blanket has frogs and bees on it. It is really cute. But that was it. I will let my mother-in- law go all crazy on the baby stuff, she seems to enjoy it lol. I have bought myself a couple of new items. I went to Old Navy to pick up some solid tee shirts, that are easy to wear and comfortable (since nothing fits), and I bought a new shirt from Lerners New York. They had a huge sale; so since I will see my baby on Tuesday I wanted to look my best. It might sound crazy because i know the baby can't actually see me, but I want to look and feel good that day. Good vibes, good results, great appointment!! So I got a cute lavender shirt that has buttons going down the back with a new necklace. I only spent like $16 at New York co. so that is amazing to me :-) I am on my last pair of jeans that fits me (American Eagle Boyfriend cut). I know I should probably get maternity pants, but i haven't found some that aren't hideous lol. We will search next week promise promise!

Well that is all for today. I will update everyone on my appointment, symptoms, doctor questions, and yes a new photo! 20 weeks never looked so good!

See you soon :-)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pregnancy Wives Tales

Hello everyone!

I decided to try some old wives tales to see what they would say the gender of my baby is. Now, I am not sure how accurate these are, but my big sis said that someone did a test on her and it stated she was having a boy. And I have a beautiful nephew lol :-)

After taking the online test on, it stated that I was 73.3% having a XXX 26.7%  chance of a XXX. I don't want to say which side it favored because I feel its a little personal, and I haven't told my fiance what the results were yet.  I was asked questions about acne, weight, cravings, and nausea. I also decided to do the chain test. You hold a necklace over your belly. If the chain moves left to right, it a boy. If the chain moves in circles, its a girl. Can we say SPOOKY!!

Either way, I would be happy with a boy or a girl. I have picked out a bunch of names for both genders, even my fiance picked out some good names that are on the top of our list. I really want to see my baby's face before I really make a decision.

Well, just a little follow up before my work week begins.

See ya,

Just one of those days....

Hello everyone!

I know it has been awhile, but I have had a lot of work to get done in the past week. I have officially completed my last assignment for my master's degree program. I was pulling some tough all-nighters to get it all finished , and I got it done. Now, I have to wait a week or 2 to find out if I passed and will receive my master's degree. FINGERS CROSSED! I thought to myself that one this class was all over, I would try to start enjoying my pregnancy.....but that doesn't seem to be happening yet.

Don't get me wrong here; I love this baby, and I pray everyday that it is growing healthy and strong (like his/her dad). But me on the other hand, I am a ball of anxiety, irritability, insomniacs, and plain ol' nerves. I know people say this is all normal, but I have to wonder if i am just crazy. i know a lot has to do with being so far away from family. My Big Sis came to visit me, and I finally felt like I had a good 1 1/2 days. When she left, I just felt very lonely and bored. Now, I know what you are thinking-"where the hek is ur baby daddy?" lol He works away from home, so unfortunately, I don't get to see him as often as I would like. I have to say lucky for him, because these hormones do not make me a nice person to anyone. I have lived in this part of Virginia for almost 2 years, and unfortunately it still doesn't really feel like home sometimes. In Tennessee, everyone is friendly and you meet people everywhere and there are always real friends and family around. Here, I have a great mother-in-law! she is hilarious and is so excited about the baby, but sometimes I wish I just had a good girlfriend that came over to chill and eat popcorn and watch Scandal with, but people are not very friendly down here. I have met some people, but sometimes it feels like "ugh who wants to hang out with the pregnant chick." But geeze we have feelings to, we still like to do things. I still like going to the mall, and going out to eat, and going to the beach, and to the movies. But, It seems that I don't really have people to ask here to do those things with.

Ok ok enough with the cry baby stuff. Symptoms this week are insomnia, increased appetite, and exhaustion. Sometimes I lay in the bed and can't fall asleep. I have tried to do my hypnobirthing, but then I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. Ugh so then I am so tired by the time its mid-day and it makes me cranky. I have felt like a bottomless pit. eating and eating and not feeling full. I do LOVE marshmallows and salt. I can't say if that is vegan approved, but its so good, when I am having a bad day. I have been using Bio-oil and Carol's Daughter Sexy Belly, for my stomach, but I am still getting stretch marks :-( I had already had some pre-pregnancy, but not they are getting thicker and longer which kind of sucks. But I will need to accept battle scars of pregnancy. The baby moves like crazy, and I am glad he/she likes spicy foods. I haven't had heartburn this week which is good, but I have been drinking water throughout the day so I think it is helping.

I haven't felt like nesting just yet. I completed the crib just because my mother-in-law bought everything, but nothing new yet! Here is what it looks like for now. (it is yellow). I am still wanting to keep the gender a secret, so everything is a neutral theme.  I have made a "Master List" of all the essential things I need to purchase. Bobby pillow, extra sheets, extra blanket, towels, bottles, bottle cleaner, bath tub, Breast pump (mine will be free), night lights, baby monitor (optional) and large medicine ball (pour moi). I also wanted to get a new baby rug, but haven't been able to fine one yet. 

I have my next ultrasound appointment in a week and I am very excited for it. I haven't had one since my first appointment at 10 weeks. I am nervous about stepping on the scale. My stomach is definitely bigger, and my clothes are definitely NOT fitting, but I am hoping that the weight is still steady.

Next week, I will let you know how my appointment went.

See you soon,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What a long week

Hello everyone!

I know its been a  long time since my last post. I have had a very long week for me. I am finishing up my last two weeks of grad school and I am  ready for it to be done. I have to type a 15 to 20 page paper and do a PowerPoint presentation. Lets just say I already have my master's in procrastination lol

I am officially at the 20 week mark!! Half way through this pregnancy already, phew that went fast....and slow. In the past week, I have suffered horrible heartburn. I mean fireball in my chest and stomach heartburn. Throughout the night I have had to chew Tums to get some sleep. So, I have been drinking a lot of water and staying away from high acid foods like oranges and pineapples, and spicy foods.

I am definitely getting bigger. I guess I was hoping it was going to happen later later later lol. Today, I couldn't button my pants. It was a sad day because I have been fitting into all my clothes until like yesterday lol. I keep seeing all these skinny pregnant girls with  their tight shirts and skinny jeans on, and I am like "dang, why is pregnancy so cute for them?" I am stuck with chest hair, acne, and heartburn WTF! I officially cannot sleep on my back or stomach anymore. So I have been sleeping on my left side because I heard it increases circulation.

I know a lot of people start nesting during this time, but I am not feeling like that at all. I keep going to the store and putting things in my cart, but not checking out. I don't have any baby items at thee house yet, just the empty crib my fiance put together. My big sis says, I will nest when I am ready, but I am definitely scared that I wont feel it until its to late.

I have been craving pulled pork and fried fish, but I have not satisfied these cravings. I have been sticking with my diet.

See you soon!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hungry, Hungry Hippo!

Hello everyone!!

It has been a crazy week for me. Tears, sleepy, hungry, and even more tears lol! My poor fiance has had to listen to me cry over the phone for 2 days straight about things that can not be physically changed by anyone lol. My poor babe :-( Sometimes I don't even know why I am exactly crying, but he has been sticking with me (letting me buy things for the baby) and keeping me somewhat sane lol. I am not going to lie, watching Private Practice while being pregnant is never a good thing. They should definitely put a caution *may cause anxiety and lead to hypochondria in pregnant women. Please watch with caution and tissues*

My little granola bar is growing fast. This week I feel like I AM STARVING!!! I mean every hour, I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks. Today, I had a vegan chix'n sandwich, strawberry banana smoothie, 2 Popsicles, vegan blueberry muffin, and oatmeal until I finally said OK BABY!! So I made spaghetti lol. Now it may not seem like a lot, and trust me it was a small muffin, but I am still freaking hungry. I work from home, so I don't keep like cupcakes or anything crazy at the house, just healthy snacks. But healthy snacks in large qualities are healthy either lol. All day I have wanted a slice of cake, but the tornado warning and rain that stopped me lol

I have been mediating and listening to my hypnobirthing relaxation and birthing simulation CD. It is a great way to just get connected to you body, and also just have a time frame of relaxation and breathing. Honestly, I don't think I have made it through the whole audio because I've fallen asleep every time. I tried to look up some Hypnobirthing classes in my area, but they are a little to expensive for me, so I am going to stick to my CD and reading. I am going to sign my fiance up for "Daddy Day Camp" it is very cheap and shhh....I think he wants to take it. Man, do those classes fill up fast, so I paid for it, and told him when and where he has to go lol.

I have to sign up for a birthing class, but I wonder if they are really necessary? I do want to do my CPR license you know to brush up on those skills. I also have to start looking up pediatricians in my area, with Saturday hours, and close to my apartment.

See you soon!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hypnobirthing, meditation, and yoga

Hello everyone!

I has recently purchased the HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method: A natural approach to safe, easier, more comfortable birthing (3rd edition) by Marie F. Mongan. This books introduces mothers and their partner to relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques that allows mothers to give pain free childbirth. The books repeatedly stated that there is a 95 percent of success rate, so I  am going  to give it a try. I have my midwife, and a birthing plan, so it is time to start for a fearless birth. The book comes with a relaxation disc that allows you to practice getting into tune with your body, pregnancy, and growing child. The book encourages that that is a partner, but I am a little short on that part. My twin sis is in Nashville, and will be doing some studying on her own to be  my "doula." No, she is not formally trained, but I know she will be able to keep me calm and make sure everyone is respecting my wishes. My fiance will be  there, but many of his friends have fainted during the birthing process, so I need someone a little more solid. (love you, babe lol). I kind of think my sis will be the voice of me and my fiance as we are focused on the birthing.

So far I have read about 50 pages in the book, and I will begin the audio CD tomorrow. I also got a new, low impact Yoga video. The Shiva Rea's Prenatal Yoga is designed for all stages of pregnancy. Walking has been good, but I would like to get some good stretching flexibility in my exercise. I will also begin that tomorrow morning.

Almost every morning I meditate. During this time, I pray, I breath, I clear my head, I fill it back up with things I have to do, etc. Its not a  religious thing, but my mom says its good to start your day with a clear head. She told me about mediating a couple of years ago, and I've done it ever since. Now don't get me wrong, I am not chanting in a dark room; I sometimes just lay in bed, listening to the birds chirp, the wind blow, airplanes going by, and its kind of my start to the day. During this time now, I feel like I am making a connection to my "granola bar" and I image the baby hearing my heat beat, and feeling my soul ( I know, pretty corny). It feels like our moment before I am running around all day not really paying attention to him  or her.

 I am officially 17 weeks and 3 days! The weight gain has be good so I am very happy about that. I feel like since I have taken care off the OB/midwife situation, I am starting to enjoy pregnancy a little more (minus the getting fat during bikini season). I have recently found out that I am low on iron, so I really want to make sure this week I am finding grocery items that are high in iron, so I don't have to take an extra vitamin (the iron pills make my teeth yellow, yuck!). My midwife also spoke to me about the importance of eating eggs and cheese and she is highly recommending that I go back to eating them :-( She says that eyes and cheese provide necessary fat need for healthy fetal brain development. I haven't made a decision yet, but I will make one that has the health of my baby in mind always.

I will let you know my progress with yoga and hypno-birthing so stay tuned.
See ya!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Finally A Good Day!

Hello everyone,

I had my first good appointment, yay!! I met with the midwife at my new provider this morning. I got there at 8:45 AM. I know, I know what person is up that early on their off day lol. I  was on time,and had all the correct paperwork, so I was ready to go. Everyone in the office was really nice. I had to wait a little, ok a lot but the midwife was at the hospital at another birth, so I can respect that. She answered all my questions, let me listen to my baby's heartbeat, and everything was good to go :-)

My next visit will be in July, and they can tell me the sex of the baby. But I am not sure I want to know. I like the idea of it being a surprise. My fiance on the other hand, wants to find out and hounds me everyday about it, but I am going to stick to my guns on this one.

After this visit, I feel like I can get excited now! I am going to start researching hypnobirthing, so let me know if you know any good books!

I am thinking about a frog theme, for a neutral baby room. What are good neutral themes and colors?

See you soon!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Did I metion I LOVE food!!

Hello everyone!

I know what your thinking: "not another food post!" The best thing about becoming vegan, is trying new recipes and food options that are healthy for me and thee baby as well as delicious. I found this recipe online because I have an early appointment tomorrow and wanted something I could grab and bring in to the car with me. This recipe has NO raw items! I know crazy, right? I mean no eggs, no butter, no milk.

  • 1/2 cup vegan margarine
  • 1/2 cup pure cane sugar
  • 1/4 cup orange juice ( I just 1 freshly squeezed orange, didn't feel like  buying juice)
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon non-GMO cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup quick oats
  • 1 1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour (I used regular non-bleach flour)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 3/4 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 2 teaspoons sparkling sugar sprinkles (optional)
  • Preheat the oven to 375 to 400 (depending on your oven, mine is super hot, so I use 375)
  • In a mixing bowl, add all dry ingredients. ( I like to use a shifter for dry ingredients for a smooth batter)
  • Add wet ingredients to the dry mixture.
  • Once batter is blended, fold in the blueberries
  • Grease/or use cupcake wrapper on your muffin pan.
  • Fill each about 3/4 high.
  • Bake for 8 to 10 min or till knife comes out clean
For the original recipe CLICK HERE and check out a good vegan recipe blog!
They are so good and moist. I recommend that you eat them warm, but be careful, it is hard to stop eating them! The recipe will make 12 muffins.

Tomorrow, I have an early appointment with my Midwife. This will be my first visit with one, and I am so excited. I will let you know how it goes!!
See ya!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Trying a new breakfast!

Hello everyone!

Yesterday morning I tried a new Buckwheat pancake mix for breakfast. I am used to Aunt Jemima pancakes, but they contain milk and eggs in the ingredients. Buckwheat is a gain-like seed from the family of sorrel, knotweed, and rhubarb.  It is a starchy seed that is a great substitute for vegans and vegetarians everywhere. At the Health Nut store in Virginia Beach, I did buy buckwheat hot cereal. When prepared, it gives an oatmeal,cream of wheat consistency.

Now back to my breakfast. The pancakes actually came out very delicious. I used;

1 cup of the buckwheat pancake mixture
1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
1 Tbsp of maple syrup
1/2 tsp of cinnamon 
 2 to 3 Tbsp of sugar
a pitch of salt
1/2 of a packet of instant apple cinnamon oatmeal
1 to 2 cups of Almond sweetened vanilla milk (depending on how think or thin you like your pancakes add more milk).

My family and I are masters of making pancakes, so I really just eyeballed the majority of the ingredients, so this is just taste and make sure you like the consistency you have created.

I mixed the above ingredients in a mixing bowl and fired up my pan. They bubble the same as regular pancake mix. The cool thing is, you can add anything to the batter (i.e. blueberries, strawberries, bananas, etc.). whatever you have in the house will go great with them. I just purchase this brand of buckwheat pancake mix at Walmart for very cheap, so don't worry you won't break the bank and you are being healthy :-)