Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Don't Judge Me!!!

Hello everyone!!

Well with only 16 days left till my due date, I have been off the vegan wagon. My amazing mom came into town and made me Haitian style oatmeal. It has carnation milk and tons and tons of butter lol. It was sooo yummy!! I also took my mom to Cheesecake Factory. She had never been, so my fiance sent me some extra money to treat her. I had a salad, but we did share a pumpkin pecan cheesecake. Man it was amazing. I almost snapped at the waitress for trying to remove the plate with one more bite left on the plate. Doesn't she know don't mess with a pregnant women and her plate lol. I also went to Popeye's, because I had a craving for biscuits. OMG so freaking good lol.

I promise, I am going to get back on the wagon. It was a minor slip. Had a great week seeing my mom, brother and twin sis!! Those kids are crazy lol. My mom did get to come to my appointment. Still just 1 cm dilated. Ugh!! Sometimes I just want her here already lol. My sister even got to see my stomach move lol It was pretty creepy looking lol. I also got to teach my sis some baking skills lol. We got to make banana bread, sticky buns, and sugar cookies from scratch.

I have been feeling some contractions, but very dull ones. It kind of feels like a menstrual cramp that grows in intensity, but then goes away. With 16 days left, she can come at anytime. I had a friend say there is a full moon next week, so you never know.

I am getting really nervous now. My stomach is definitely getting in the way, and I am definitely feeling slower and tried. It is getting harder to get out of the bed too and I have to say sitting on the toilet is so comfortable lol. My mother-in-law let me borrow her medicine ball and I love that thing. I just watch TV and sit on it, do homework, and even talk on the phone lol.

Hope everyone has a good week. See you soon.

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