Friday, November 15, 2013

She is finally here!!

Hello everyone!

As some of you may know, I gave gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on November 7, 2013 at 7:04 pm.

On Wednesday, I was feeling contractions about 10 minutes apart the whole day. When I decided to go to bed early. Around 2:00 am, I was awakened out of my sleep with some intense contractions that were about 5 to 7 minutes apart. That when I decided to time them. By 3:00 am, my contractions were 5 minutes apart and lasting about 90 seconds. That when I decided to go to the hospital.

Its a little after 4:00 am, and I packed up my car checked  my listed and loaded the car seat. The drive to the hospital wasn't bad, but it did  feel like I was catching every single red light on my way there. I entered the emergency entrance and was sent to triage in the maternity wing. After about  an hour of observation, they said I was going to have my baby today and that it was time to move to my delivery room!! Yikes! I was scared and excited. That's when I decided to call my fiance, sister, mom and mother-in-law.

My water was broken about half way through labor, and that when labor got intense!! I mean like out of body intense. My fiance ended up showing up right at 10 centimeters and ready to push. After about 2 hours of pushing and no progress, my midwife and doctor said I had to have a C-section.

Oh I went HAM on them lol. There were a lot of tears. After handling labor that long, I felt defeated that I had to get a C-section. My doctor let try to go vaginal for another hour. Where We tried a bunch of different positions, but nothing worked :-( The anesthetist was called in and before you knew it I was getting wheeled into the operating room. I even had 2 nurses that stayed after their shift to be in the operating room. Big Head was also in the room. I don't remember all the details, all I remember is hearing her cay as soon as they pulled her out and seeing her face for the first time. They called out 7:04 pm. They handed her to Big Head and he went with her to the nursery as I was getting stitched together.

The doctors and nurses were amazed at how well I was doing and sent me home after 2 days. The baby passed all her test with flying colors. I know everyone wants to know her name and stats so here you go:

Riva Symiah
Born 7:04pm November 7, 2013
7 pounds 12 ounces
21 inches long

We are both now home and getting the hang of everything. She cries a lot and the first 2 nights were rough, but we are definitely getting into a routine that I can handle lol. Sometimes I find myself just watching her. I have made the decision to breastfeed and it was a little hard at first, but I am definitely enjoying that bounding time with her. I get to see my mom soon, and I can't wait for her to meet my daughter (OMG I have a daughter).

I hope to update you all on how motherhood is going so please stay tuned
See you soon,

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